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          1. Welcome to Ganfeng Lithium Group Co., Ltd.!(A share code: 002460 | H share code: 01772)
            Li Liangbin
            Release time:2020-05-21


            Mr. Li Liangbin (李良彬) (“Mr. Li”), aged 52, was appointed as the chairman of the Board and our Director on 6 December 2007. He was then appointed as our executive Director and the President of our Company on 29 December 2017 and 27 December 2010, respectively. On 24 March 2020, he was re-appointed as our executive director and the president of the Company and was elected as the chairman of the Board. Mr. Li is our largest Shareholder and founder. He is primarily responsible for the overall management of our Company’s business strategies and operations. Mr. Li has almost 30 years of experience in the lithium industry. He currently serves as a director in a number of companies in which our Company has equity interests, including certain subsidiaries of our Company. Prior to the establishment of our Company, Mr. Li worked at the scientific research institution of Jiangxi Lithium Plant (江西鋰廠), a state-owned enterprise and founded and served as the general manager Xinyu Ganfeng Metal Lithium Plant (新余市贛鋒金屬鋰廠) from July 1988 to December 1996 and from January 1997 to February 2000, respectively. Mr. Li has been serving as the vice president of the China Nonferrous Metal Industry Association, Lithium Branch (中國有色金屬工業(yè)協(xié)會鋰業(yè)分會). He has also been a member of the 9th Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province (江西省新余市第九屆人大常委會委員) and the vice chairman of Jiangxi Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce (江西省工商業(yè)聯(lián)合 會) since October 2016 and June 2017, respectively. Since January 2017, Mr. Li has been entitled to the special allowance of the State Council for his technology excellence. He was also awarded the Bauhinia Cup Technology Innovation Awards (紫荊花杯科技創(chuàng)新獎) by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (香港理工大學) in November 2013. Further, Mr. Li was accredited as a Professorate Senior Engineer (教授級高級工程師) by the Qualification Office of Jiangxi Province (江西省職稱工作辦公室) and was selected into the Ganpo Talents 555 Project (贛鄱英才555工程) by Jiangxi Provincial Committee of CPC in April 2013 and in March 2011,

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