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          1. Welcome to Ganfeng Lithium Group Co., Ltd.!(A share code: 002460 | H share code: 01772)
            Strategy Committee
            Release time:2020-05-21

            The Company established a strategy committee on 26 April 2008. The Strategy Committee consists of five members, namely Mr. Li Liangbin, an executive Director, Mr. Wang Xiaoshen, an executive Director, Mr. Huang Daifang, an non-executive Director, Mr. Liu Jun, an independent non-executive Director, and Mr. Xu Xiaoxiong, an executive Director. Mr. Li Liangbin has been appointed as the chairman of the Strategy Committee. At the Shareholders’ meeting held on 24 March 2020, Mr. Li Liangbin, the new executive Director, was appointed as the chairman of the Strategy Committee, Mr. Wang Xiaoshen, the new executive Director, Mr. Ge Zhimin, the new executive Director, Ms. Yang Juanjuan, the new non-executive Director, and Mr. Yujianguo, the new non-executive Director were elected as members of the Strategy Committee. The primary duties of the Strategy Committee include: (i) reviewing and making recommendations on the long-term strategic development and business goals of the Company; (ii) reviewing and advising on the investment and financing strategies of the Company; and (iii) reviewing and making recommendations on the capital and assets operations of the Company.


            Chairman:Li Liangbin

            Committee member:Wang Xiaoshen、Shen Haibo、Yang Juan、Yu Jianguo

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