国产一级 片内射视频播放蘑菇,国产A√精品区二区三区四区,羊的图腾图片大全,少妇一级 片内射视频

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          1. Welcome to Ganfeng Lithium Group Co., Ltd.!(A share code: 002460 | H share code: 01772)
            Nomination Committee
            Release time:2020-05-21

            The Company established a nomination committee on 26 April 2008. The Company has revised the written terms of reference of the committee with reference to the CG Code, as set out in Appendix 14 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules. The Nomination Committee consists of three members, namely Mr. Huang Huasheng, an independent non-executive Director, Mr. Liu Jun, an independent non-executive Director, and Mr. Li Liangbin, an executive Director. Mr. Huang Huasheng has been appointed as the chairman of the Nomination Committee. At the Shareholders’ meeting held on 24 March 2020, Mr. Liu Jun, the new independent non-executive Director, was appointed as the chairman of the Nomination Committee, Ms. Deng Zhaonan, the new executive Director, and Mr. Xu Guanghua, the new independent non-executive Director were elected as members of the Nomination Committee. The primary duties of the Nomination Committee include: (i) reviewing the composition of the Board and assessing the ability and experience of Directors; (ii) making recommendations regarding the appointment and removal of Directors and the President; and (iii) assessing the independence of the independent non-executive Directors.


            Chairman:Wang Jinben

            Committee member:Xu Guanghua、Deng Zhaonan

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